Sustainability has become a global priority with an enormous drive for change. It is important for all industries to reduce the CO2 impact on the environment.
Composite materials pave the way to a climate-neutral future, as lightweight construction helps to reduce carbon emissions and by producing high-performance products. The lifetime of these products can be increased by decades as composites are corrosion resistant and durable. Planning sustainably goes hand in hand with producing more economically.
For us, sustainability means: avoiding, reducing, reusing and recycling
We have intensively researched and analyzed our used products and materials for years. As a manufacturer and producer of composite materials and products, we are aware of our responsibility. In order to live up to our claim of ecological sustainability, we use predominantly recycled and recyclable materials.

We do not use any substances that endanger the environment or people in the short or long term. This results in the ban of using materials that contain chlorine (e.g., PVC foam), resins and coatings that contain chlorinated, brominated or halogenated compounds. Minimizing the use of materials is another important step to avoid unnecessary waste and weight of the final components.
Our products and solutions have been specially developed for lightweight construction. It is our goal to consciously use the required composite materials and consumables when planning optimizations or new products.
- Less use of fibers and resin thanks to the excellent properties of 3D|CORETM
- Less waste when cutting technical textiles and foam cores thanks to computer-assisted optimization
- Less auxiliary material thanks to the integrated flowing and venting function in the 3D|CORETM foam core
- Optimized laminate plans
- Separate collection of residues
- Recycling of residues
- Development of new processes for the preparation of composite components
- Using recycled or recyclable raw materials
- Use of used, reconditioned machines instead of new ones

What else can we do?
Our new building complex is already designed to save energy. We heat and cool our production halls and offices by using ice storage technology. This saves up to 40,000 liters of heating oil per year. The next step will be to expand this technology by including a photovoltaic system on the roof of the headquarters of our group.

Reduce - Reuse - Recycle: create green performance!