By comparing possible lay-up combinations (topology) in terms of their technical properties, we can further optimize your planned laminate plan. We will find the balance between weight and performance for you. Thanks to our continuous material research, we have access to an extensive database consisting of empirically determined characteristic values of different composite materials.
Selection of the ideal composite materials
Our development engineers are always actively involved in new material decisions in particular. In order to always be able to make customer-oriented decisions in the area of material and raw material selection, we work exclusively with globally recognized manufacturers.
Our 3D|CORE™ PET foams, available in FR (fire retardant), GR (recycled) and XPS, always form the core of our solutions. To reduce your procurement expenses for additional composite materials, we supply fibers, resins, fillers, additives, coatings and consumables tailored to your application.
3D|CORE™ fibre composite construction vs. monolithic structure
Wherever lightweight construction is desired, a sandwich structure is required. We optimize existing sandwich structures and also convert monolithic components into sandwich structures. Our 3D|CORETM structure enables the saving of expensive fibre layers. The technical properties of the sandwich strcuture are improved immensely and this with a decreasing component weight.

The use of 3D|CORETM enables the reduction of fibre layers. This saves weight and improves the technical properties at the same time.
With 3D|CORETM you have the possibility to replace the initial and more expensive design with a more economical combination.